Friday, February 3, 2012

BP #8 - Going Green Again

I really want to change my life to going green such as, today in our materialistic society people still lives in busy lives nobody has time to going green and save their life by takes some natural benefits. In my life I strongly peruse to going green plants, people should make any green aceeses of sector to save their life. Nevertheless, people have less opportunity to get those obligations but I think if any person wants to make their mind for doing something specific. They would be able to make their awareness. I want to make my own small garden in front of my house and reduce the atmosphere reduction pollution.. Moreover, if I don’t have any small  green sector I personally consider to going green around my if people think positive and natural they should be able to getting green gardens benefits their own lives. People get benefits by going green and live in healthy life.
In united sates people have very busy lives instead, people want to going green and save their life. Many people have different kinds of jobs and living style awareness. American people have their own houses and they make small gardens their front of house. People have different types of choices some people want to going green their neighborhood but some people consider to going green make their front of house. and take many People are going green and take different kinds of benefits, such as, few among people are really  curious about their health and some people live in busy life those are think the going green they probably, wasting g time for them. However, many Americans people make a accessible schedule and doing everything by on time. On the other hand, in my country people going green and many people have their own houses and small gardens .Furthermore, they want to do everything whatever they want. In fact when they are growing green plants they will sale their natural things by another cities .In my country , everyone’s lives in perfect life and take a lot of  good benefit by going green. Many people have their own lands and majority people have good sources of opportunity for their selves. Eventually people have good ways to produce their own green sector.
 Some time I am really surprise for one thing why people have less benefits to make their own green plants ,when they go to any other country,. They have lack of opportunities to do anything than their own countries. Why they cannot do anything in another country. From that point I didn’t realize anything and make me confuse in my life.


  1. I like the way you answered the questions, and the pictures you have there. In fact, I strongly agreed that many Americans don't have time for going green, and being able to be healthy. However, do you think American are not going green because of the lack of space? Why or Why not?

  2. Thank you for my post but I think American have a lot of work to do instead they must save their time to going green, such as many American lives in urban lives and they have small gardens in their front of houses and they should have good access to going green sector. They work with few green organic food companies and they are save their time and lives.

  3. Its really a nice posting. I like garden in front of house. Sometimes I wonder looking a beautiful gardens in front of my neighbor house. Could you please tell us what two thing you try for going green.
