Saturday, January 28, 2012

"BP #7 - Financial Responsibility"

According to the article Financial Responsibility for All: A myth or Reality?" by Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste how the young child hood involve in serious case when people have equated information about credit card and debit cards. Furthermore, the united states a large huge young people community life effaced by lack of information about any credit and debit cards. Usually, the college students life more affected by those types of serious problems.Fortunatly, there are many credit cards companies in USA. People should get benefits from those credit companies, such as students want to get some amount of credit for their few accessories. However, those credit companies don’t give a lot of information about their interest and another whole detail. Nevertheless, in the future will create have terrible situations for themselves, such as students have been not able to pay their credit card highly cost bills. Besides, student must careful for before submitting any for financial credit paper. That should not create shall trouble in their futures.
 The credit card needs cash flow for every ones’ People also want to buy something gradually things. Fortunately people still lives in different kinds of financial statues, such as financially credit card accumulates use in different ways. In present time, United States is one of the best and famous countries where people get many opportunities for their selves. Every year people establish their new businesses and take credit card loans. I am strongly agreeing the financial responsibility for all a real and very close to reality, because money is very important sector in human lives. People must have been to make earnings and spending out in various things. In my life I heard about one PHD person story.  Six years ago, he took loan from bank to start his doctor degree. When he was start his degree his very thrilled because he got money from bank to finish his degree. He couldn’t do any job during that time just he was considerate his study until graduate. He was think when he got his PHD degree he had a best way to starting any fantastic job. However, his situation was e worst because when he finis his PHD degree he had been to return paid for several bank loans. In fact he was not unwilling to pay those loans.
I have one solution to solve that problem, in fact the USA people have bunch of facilities. Whatever they want to do. If that person start any job during his education! He would be paid some amount of money for ever single week. It may be possible until; his graduate he also paid a lot of money. Many people take a loan for different reasons some people want to buy house, car study, and businesses. They would be take that good advantage to make their life easier and they wants to give new potential chance their selves. When people take high task loan it not possible to return the bank. Many people property the bank corrupt and never give them back. This is really harmless for those people who buy those things. Some people things the United States give free money for people who are American citizens’. Also it is not true they give super benefits for any NY residence but not free money. People could take loan for their personal access but they should have to return their debit loan. It is a liable
for any debit their credit if they don’t pay their bill on time they would have to face any temptation for their selves.
 In my country people have small amount of credit limit   financial responsibility than USA. The legacy of people has to pay their own credit. Many bank gives limited opportunity for people and people have responsibility to handle and manage their things. Many people make their own budget and they never have any cosign credit card system. But the United States has many good resources for people to open the joint and separate account .Another thing; in my country many older people estimated some money for their children and some close relative. When they need overdrawn their money older people give them where they want to spend their credit. Usually, the government barred from, people having cash with their own. They can deposit their credit in bank but they have limited choice to take any better advantage for them. Although the financial responsibility always is true not myth at all. ‘’It is swim after that ‘’about credit cards. People should connect with benevolent types of extension financial responsibilties.


  1. I like your summery and the pictures too. I like the fact that you used transition words. However, I was concerned about your opinion about what should people do to stop this.

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  3. The way you explained is really nice. In you supporting details, I am still wondering for the solution as you said. May be its indirect but it should be clear. Your slution can help us to get out from dept problem in USA.
